The Fundamentals of Abilitas


Nothing motivates an organization like genuine leadership and the sharing of success.

  • The continued existence of a company depends on its ability to satisfy customers, the motivation of its personnel, and the support of its shareholders.
  • The success of a company depends on its personnel.
  • The success of the personnel depends on the leadership and inspiration provided by its managers.
  • The success of the managers depends on their own example and on an entrepreneurial spirit that is never satisfied with anything less than the very best results.


Successful management …

  • is customer oriented;
  • is profit oriented;
  • is consultative – it involves really listening to both personnel and customers;
  • delegates profit responsibility and the corresponding authority;
  • is based on agreed-upon objectives; and
  • understands the importance of strategic thinking in day-to-day operations.


Consultation through participation [CAP]

  • Abilitas executive consultants, employees and partners generally serve as members of our clients’ board of directors, working for an agreed-upon period or on a specific project. Consultation through participation [CAP] not only gives responsibility to our executive consultants, employees and partners, but also gives them an opportunity to influence the course of events and achieve tangible results.
  • Abilitas executive consultants, employees and partners have a firm belief in the importance of our Business Leadership Philosophy and Business Management Philosophy as stated above.